
GAIA Filters

Meet the founder

Hi, I'm April

In November 2023, I walked across the stage to receive my degree in Environmental Science—a moment I had worked so hard for, yet it felt less like an end and more like the start of something bigger.

My name is April McGrath, and even though that day marked the end of my academic journey, it was the beginning of Gaia Filters.

Growing up, I’d always been passionate about the environment. I had this deep belief (and still do) that if we truly understood nature, we could protect it and live more harmoniously within it.

But it wasn’t until I started studying environmental science that I began to see the hidden, everyday pollutants that impact our lives in ways we don’t even realise. One of the biggest revelations for me was water—something so simple, so vital, but often filled with chemicals and contaminants we don’t think twice about.

During a lecture on water filtration, the idea struck me: what if we could filter the water we use every day, starting with something as essential and intimate as the water we shower in? That was the seed of Gaia Filters.

I didn’t want to create just another product—I wanted to create something that would help people live healthier lives while protecting the planet.

A product that aligned with my values of sustainability, transparency, and genuine care for both people and the earth.

And so GAIA Filters was born.

After I graduated, I poured everything I had into Gaia Filters—literally. No safety net, no backup plan.

It was all or nothing.

I spent sleepless nights researching, testing, tweaking, and dreaming about the perfect shower filter. I wanted it to not only purify water but also bring a little bit of nature into people’s everyday routines. I named it Gaia, after the Greek goddess of the Earth, because it was my way of honoring nature while helping people reconnect with it in a small but significant way.

The early days were tough, I’m not going to lie.

I was a one-woman show, handling everything from product design to customer service. There were moments when I wondered if it would all be worth it—whether people would even care about a shower filter. But then, I started getting feedback from my first customers. They talked about how their skin felt better, how their hair was softer, how they felt more connected to their wellness routines just by knowing the water they used was cleaner and kinder to their bodies. And that’s when it clicked. I wasn’t just selling a product — I was creating something that made a real difference in people’s lives.

My customers’ happiness is the fuel that keeps me going!

Every review, every message, every word of encouragement meant the world to me because I wasn’t just building a business—I was building a community.

A community of people who, like me, care about what they put into their bodies and onto their skin, and who believe in the power of small, thoughtful changes to make the world a better place.

Gaia Filters has grown since those early days, but my mission remains the same: to deliver products that make a positive impact on both your health and the environment.

I’m still as hands-on as ever, and I still get a rush every time someone tells me how Gaia Filters has improved their life. Because at the end of the day, this brand is about more than just clean water—it’s about care. Care for the earth, care for our bodies, and care for each other.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being part of this story.

 I’m so honoured to have you here, and I can’t wait to see where GAIA Filters takes us next.